Monday, April 28, 2008

Why is private health insurance always considered to the answer to all ills

Why is private health insurance always considered to the answer to all ills?
As demonstrated to me by my own insurance, health insurance is designed to protect against problems that end after a year or two. If you problem will continue through your life, they simply raise your premium until the insurance costs more than the treatments. I feel very insulted by the insistence on this site that private health insurance can be an answer for long term illness. Why does anyone think that?
Other - Cars & Transportation - 4 Answers
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1 :
I haven't seen the other answers, but I don't think it's the answer to everything. But if you look at many public health systems, they don't always address chronic illness very well either. Many times they will look at a treatment, come up with a figure of X thousands of dollars per year of life extension, and decide it isn't worth it.
2 :
you are insulted? then be insulted. It is evident that you want something for nothing and that everyone should pay for your needs. welfare? socialism? these things do not benefit society as a whole and is bad everywhere it is tried. private insurance is the best and you can choose not to have it. under socialism you have no choice . and then when you are in the system , the system cannot afford to give you the care you need so it will be rationed. Someone will decide if you should get treatment or not based on what they perceive as your value to society. death panel? imagine being an old person in this system.
3 :
The laws are different for group insurance and individual insurance. Group policies are required to cover everybody in the group. Of course if one person in the group has a lot of claims, it causes the premiums to go up for everybody in the group. People in a large group wouldn't notice those increases as much as a small business would. If the laws were changed a little individual plans wouldn't be such a bad deal. In the long run everybody is going to have to change their health care expectations. If you have a chonic illness that doesn't cause you to be disabled, your best choice will be to take a job at a large company where your health care expenses won't be noticed.
4 :
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