Saturday, September 24, 2011

What is the best health insurance plan for an individual and what does it all mean

What is the best health insurance plan for an individual and what does it all mean?
I'm 27 and looking for affordable health insurance just for myself. I don't know what all the terminology means like PPO and deductibles, etc. Also, I have a history of sinus problems and am looking to get covered in case I need surgery.
Preferrably, I'd like small doctor visit charges, drugs covered, and major things like hospital stays/surgery to be 100% covered. Any thoughts I would really appreciate! Thanks!
Other - General Health Care - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You have to look at different plans...For example Blue cross can have different plans....I work in a doctors office, and there can be 5 people that come in with blue cross....but each of them owes something different....because of the plan they are on. Stay away from health insurances that have high deductibles...which for example.....I go to the insurance has a $1500 it means before my office visits and hospital visits are covered...I have to pay $1500 out of my pocket depending on how expensive the office visit call can be paying a full office visit until you meet the $1500. Plus if you do not go to the doctors often...the deductible thing would not even be worth it.
2 :
You have a ton of options, and it will blow your mind how much variance there is in them all. Read the fine print, and insurance that you get through your employer will almost always be cheaper than what you can find on your own. In general, go with a more comprehensive plan in year 1, if in doubt, and then scale back if you think that you could skimp. Your question about PPO vs. HMO vs. other can be answered here:
3 :
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
4 : - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

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