Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How does it work when both spouses have health insurance

How does it work when both spouses have health insurance?
Is it worth it to have two people w/health insurance? What are the benefits? How does it work when you go to the doctor, who covers it? Thx for any info.
Other - General Health Care - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You might have too much coverage? It depends on your healthcare needs. You would be primary on the insurance company you have through work or private. The other insurance would be secondary. It could lower your prescription costs. It could lower your doctor visits. It could help you pay any extraordinary medical bills. I don't have health insurance through my work. I'm covered on my husband's health plan. But we both carry dental insurance and that has been well worth it, especially when I needed a root canal. My husband needs his wisdom teeth taken out. I hope this helps. edit: Whenever you go to the doctor or to pick up a prescription, give both insurance cards. You should save some money. You should weigh the savings against the added premiums (what you pay out every pay period).
2 :
The primary insurance will be from the spouse whose birthday is first in the year. January would be primary and March secondary. As far as benefits you will have to look at your benefits book, probably available from your employer.
3 :
You should chose whichever spouses insurance is the best and not take the insurance offered by the other spouses employer.
4 :
Usually (in most states) the law reads the person who is BORN first in the year (as in MONTH/DAY) covers the family. you can keep the policies seperate if you want but when you have kids, it will follow whoever was born first So if one of you is Jan and one is Feb (Jan covers the kids at least...should you decide to keep yours). Now - if you dont like the Jan policy - cancle it - that way the person with Feb can cover the whole family. Some policies allow you to have a primary and a secondairy policy.. but SOME will not - so before you assume - be sure they will allow it this way. If they do - you can run the charges through one, then the co-pays, out of pockets etc throught the second. Hope this helps!!!! If you have any more questions - feel free to contact me!
5 :
The billing department will submit the claim to the primary insurance first then to the secondary insurance provider. You provide current insurance cards when you check in for your appointments. Usually when you start a job or new insurance plan, your business dept. or human resources dept. should discuss all the insurance benefits with you to make sure your getting the right kind etc. If you haven't already consulted with them, I suggest you do. They can answer any questions you have. Does your employer have an employee handbook? Most insurance information is covered in them also.

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