Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What kind of health insurance should I get for my family

What kind of health insurance should I get for my family?
The health insurance i get from my job sucks, I'm paying $500 out of pocket per month. My wife and I are both young, barely go to the doctor if at all. The only reason I have insurance is for my 10-month old son's vaccinations and such.
There must be a better type of insurance for me to get, any recommendations?
Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Normally if you are "eligible" for group health insurance (via an employer) you can't purchase a direct payment plan from your local insurance company. Depending on your financial situation, you 'may' be able to get coverage for the kids through a state sponsored program for the child's vaccinations and other prevenative services.
2 :
My family has Cariten. I love it. My husbands appendix recently burst and spent a week in the hospital and we only have to pay around $300 bucks out of a $22,000 bill we racked up.
3 :
you should get somthing like washington health care. Its only 50 bucks a month but i dont know the web so find it on google

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