Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why should we allow health insurance companies to sell across state lines

Why should we allow health insurance companies to sell across state lines?
The biggest change from this is the individual State governments won't be able to regulate health insurance anymore. Why is this a good thing?
Other - Politics & Government - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's not a good thing. State control protects citizens of a state. Republicans are always pushing their federalism ideals, except when it's not in their interests.
2 :
it will allow more competition and lower insurance premiums. insurance companies can still be regulated.
3 :
flasi fiable has no clue what federalism is. Federalism is a GOVERNMENT company. Federalism is what Obama envisions as the future of health care which would be a federal program that gives everyone health care and the cost would be based off of income. Yes we should allow insurance companies to sell across state lines. How big of an impact it would have I don't know. But more competition is never a bad thing. Health insurance has so many problems and flaws it's rather unbelievable. For example did you know doctors get paid commissions for having tests done? So lets say they got a friend who owns an MRI machine and they can make a decent sounding argument for you to have an MRI. The recommendation is often based out of the commission not the need. Another problem are people not paying for their hospital bills. This leaves hospitals with losses which paying customers have to pay for. One BIG contributor to this is pregnancies. Sorry but there is no excuse or reason for the rest of society to pay for this. Don't have health insurance? and get pregnant? GREAT you're paying for it via 15% increase in your income tax. Condoms are not expensive and health insurance isn't insanely expensive for those under 40 years of age (who are the ones having kids). You can also get free birth control. There is NO excuse for it.
4 :
It's called competition and that is a good thing. No price fixing. Competition means fairer prices and better competitive care.
5 :
It means that would be competition between insurance companies for lower insurance rates. The state governments will still be able to regulate.

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