Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is the best type of health insurance for a poor college student with a thyroid plroblem

What is the best type of health insurance for a poor college student with a thyroid plroblem?
Hello- I just started college a year ago and last year had problems with my expences, everything went to school and food basically ---I kept a strict budget and saved A LOT, and because of that this year i THINK i can afford health insurance and i really need it for i have been going without my thyroid prescription because it is kinda pricy and i have to PAY a doctor to get the persription renewed and all the tests that go with it. So- does anyone know of any good health care plans , kinda on the cheap side that would help me out with my doctor visits and prescriptions?
Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Most colleges and universities have a health plan available on campus. This will be your cheapest option. Depending upon your state and your exact thyroid problem, individual plans will either not cover your thyroid for a certain period of time as a pre-existing condition or they will decline your application altogether. Visit a local independent agent that works with all the major plans in your area. The agent can find out if a plan will accept you or not or will not cover your thyroid. The plans and premiums are exactly the same whether you use an agent or not.
2 :
Check out Watch the 5 minute video on the home page and you will qualify for a free $100 prescription card. Then select the "Save Money" option to see if they have a program that will work for you. This is not insurace it is discount healthcare. Their plans start at $19.95/mo per household. They also have a special Rx program you may qualify for that gets you all your prescriptions for just $82/mo. My husband is self employed, and we go this route. It's still cheaper than insurance premiums, deductibles, sopays, and coinsurance for our family of four.
3 :
It might be cheaper to just go and see a doctor and pay for the prescription yourself. Walmart has generic thyroid medications for $4.00 a month. Call your local hospitals to see if they have low cost care where you can see a doctor for free or at a reduced price. Many hospitals have such clinics and you can get your prescription there.

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