Friday, April 8, 2011

Do any insurance companies offer mental health insurance, independant of any other type of coverage

Do any insurance companies offer mental health insurance, independant of any other type of coverage?
I suffer from ADD, and in the past I've had to look for general health insurance just to cover the costs of my psychiatric appointments and prescriptions. Are there any policies which exclusively offer mental health coverage, and nothing else?
Mental Health - 1 Answers
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I personally never heard of separate insurance for mental health. But, if you apply at a community behavioral health facility, and qualify, you can get free mental health. I get my medical health free, which includes the Psychiatrist visits, medications, therapy, support groups, and also hospital stays if I need to go to the behavioral health ward. Check your phone book, or look up mental health facilities online, and check them out. There is help out there, if you can't afford it out of your own pocket. good luck in your search. realme1960

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