Sunday, March 8, 2009

Health insurance

health insurance?
I am currently under healthnet insurance from work.On 9-11-06 i was termainated how long will i recieve my health benefits for?
Other - General Health Care - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
some employers end benifits on last day worked, others keep it for 30 days. You can get COBRA for 6 months, either way, but it's more expensive.
2 :
until they notify you that it will be cancelled. about the same time, you will get something from COBRA to continue coverage.
so if you decide to get the COBRA, then it won't lapse. until you receive this, you should still have insurance. COBRA is expensive though so try and go to the Dr. if you need to before your regular coverage is up.
3 :
Usually your medical coverage continues until the end of the month. You'll likely receive information on continuing with healthnet on your own or continuing medical via Cobra coverage.
4 :
Ask your insurance agent.
5 :
30 days after termination of emplyment unless you opt for your cobra coverage. Its super expensive though so good luck!
6 :
When you self terminate or "quit" a job, your coverage will usually terminate upon your termination effective date. Meaning, if you give two weeks notice and your employer accepts, then your coverage will terminate on the last date of employement. However, when you are terminated by your employer you receive 30 days of additional coverage. It is in your best interest to take care of any necessary medical visits before that 30 days is up. Once it is expired you can purchase Cobra for up to 18 months (you have 60 days from the termination date to confirm your Cobra election). The problem is that Cobra is typically far more expensive than your old employer plan would have been if you were paying for that out of your own pocket. If you do not become re-employed you can find much less expensive plans that will afford you similar coverages and save yourself the ludicrous costs of Cobra.
7 :
Check with your HR department, they should have given you the option to continue with COBRA, but that depends on the company. The book "Healthcare for Less" by Michelle Katz has a whole section on this and it is easy to read. I bought the book because I was trying to choose a good health insurance for myslef that did not cost that much and learned so much more!!!! Yes, all the other answers are true, but there are so many other factors that you must take into consideration. I urge you to get "Healthcare for Less" at least as a has saved me quite a bit of money. You can order it on for about $10.

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