Saturday, April 4, 2009

Health insurance

Health Insurance?
I don't have health insurance. Can't really afford the one my job offers. They take out too much money each week. I think it's about $200 a month total. What are some companies I can sign up for where I pay a monthly fee, but have access to hospitals, dentist, clinics, and if available, eye doctors? A friend of mine told me about a company where you only pay $50 a month, and cover alot of stuff, even percriptions. I lost the paperwork though. I live in Southern California, if it helps to know.
Other - General Health Care - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You can call around to private insurances, but I doubt $50 a month is going to cover a lot. I bet the deductible and out of pocket is through the roof!!!
2 :
Try this one - - I personally have their health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage.
3 :
Take a look at the Aetna site, or start your search with the results from the Yahoo search below. There is a company that my BF had insurance through that only cost him about $85/mo... but that was only a "single" policy, not for a family. But you CAN FIND health insurance online... GOOD LUCK! Have a healthy day.

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