Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How would the subsidies proposed for health insurance in the reform bill be determined

How would the subsidies proposed for health insurance in the reform bill be determined?
Would people who have higher insurance premiums get more of a subsidy? Or would the subsidy just be based only on income, so people at the same income level would get the same subsidy even if some of those people paid 5 times as much in health insurance? How would the subsidies be administered and paid? Would it be like applying for welfare? Or would it be handled through the tax reporting system? How many people would have to be hired to handle this?
Politics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you work, you pay. If you are a slacker, then you get another free ride.
2 :
The $64,000 dollar question. And if anyone answers this with a real answer they will be lying.
3 :
Ya Barrack says hes going to pay for health care by cutting the fraud out of the current system [ya right]. by taxing the top 5% even more [that always works], by taxing small business[ya that works too] and fining those that dont participate [ya that works well] --------------Barrack Obama said he was going to cut out the waste from his stimulus too he managed to cut only 100 million out of trillions and not one of those was an earmark or pork . The man is a liar and a shyster .
4 :
Assuming it passes? it would vary by state and income level. The only state where this exists is Massachusetts. The state has determined how much a family should pay, based on size( A family of 4 would pay more than a family of 2). Like welfare or unemployment the state gives you a set amount. The only thing I have seen is that the subsidies do not make up the difference between what a family should pay and what they can actually get insurance for.

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